Welcome to,

Swindon Palestine Solidarity

Founded by local community members in 2019 this group promotes the cause of the Palestinian people.

Welcome to

Swindon Palestine Solidarity

Founded by local community members in 2019 this group promotes the cause of the Palestinian people.

Group members of SPS are from various backgrounds, genders, ethnicities, professions, faiths and none, united against the occupation and apartheid in Palestine.

We organise protests, and events to campaign and raise awareness for the palestinian case.

We call of an immediate permanent ceasefire, end of the occupation, justice for the Palestinian people, retun of all hostages and urge the international leaders to implement a socially just solution of the Holy Land, a land for all to live in IN PEACE and HARMONY.

Our Blogs

you can check from our blogs to follow all the news

Standing with Palestine

Blog for Palestine By Anonymous Standing with Gaza Standing with

Blog for Palestine By Dr Fadoua Govaerts Swindon Palestine Solidarity:

Swindon Palestine Solidarity

Blog for Palestine By Tess Griffin Since October 2023, Swindon

Swindon Palestine Solidarity

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